Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Under Construction

What do you think of when you see a sign that says 
Under Construction ?

Building something new?
Steer Clear?
Go another way?
Revamp in process?

My mind has been blank the last few days.  I cannot think of what to write about for this blog post.  I have no happiness tricks up my sleeve.  No new habits to try.  Not even a funny story.  Maybe it is spring fever, or the blahs or even a writer's block. Nothing.  Everything seems too hard.

So I was going to skip this week and just figure it out next week, but here I am.  I am being human and vulnerable.  Maybe I have whispered all the happiness I have to share.  Or not.  It isn't like I am not having creative thoughts, it just isn't something I want to write about.  I have a to-do list that is growing by leaps and bounds but not much is getting done.  Everything seems too hard.  

Yesterday my dog, Sadie, was attacked by another dog while Dennis was walking her. It was very upsetting and I feel sad, exhausted and empty.  She has two bites on her neck and back with staples holding her together.  She will be ok.  It's not easy keeping a dog "quiet".  She is doing well.  She will heal.  I am petting her a lot. Laying on the floor with her.  Texting Lexy about how she is doing.  Trying to drown out Dennis and Lexy arguing about what is the right level of care for her.  Everything seems too hard.

I need a new suitcase.  I have been looking but there are too many choices.  Two wheel or four wheel.  Carry on or check.  Soft side or hard shell.  Everything seems too hard.

Last week I skipped two days of exercise.  I never do that.  My body was sore.  I was tired.  Everything seems too hard.

I was trying to sign in on my iTunes account to renew my One to One training with Apple and somehow now I need a new password and nothing is working. I guess I need to call them.  Everything seems too hard.

Kelly has been super studying for her final in Statistics.  I cannot help.  She has gone to homework sessions, tutoring and teacher led groups for many days.  She cannot change it now.  It is what it is.  Everything seems too hard.

No more whining or complaining.  
There doesn't have to be a reason for my mood.  
It just is.  
It will pass.  
None of these problems are life threatening.  
I need to make a list of what I am thankful for. 

I am thankful that I have been writing my blog for over a year and there have been over 16,000 views.  Someone is reading.....

I am thankful that I can work on the to-do list, if and when I want.

I am thankful Sadie will heal and it wasn't worse.

I am thankful I have a place to go that I need a new suitcase.  More on that later!

I am thankful that I even have the choice to exercise.  

I am thankful for all I have learned in the last year of One to One training.

I am thankful that Kelly has done her best.

I am thankful for so many things in my life.  
I could go on and on.  
Life is good.  
Sometimes everything seems too hard and you just get over it. 
 Moving on......
Life Under Construction!



Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Vision Boards

What is a vision board?

A vision board is an image of what the future could be like.  
It is a way to bring reality into your life. Imagination is needed to begin. 


Everything you can imagine is real.
-Pablo Picasso

A vision board is a reminder of things you want and combined with action, will help you reach your goals.  If you can see something coming into view it is as if it is already here now.

You can make a vision board for your overall life or you can do one for separate aspects of your life:
  • health
  • business
  • relationships
  • finance
  • goals
  • dreams

Think about your dreams.  Think about your life.  Now describe your dreams and life.  Think of three words you want your vision board to represent.  Some example are vibrance, courage, balance, health, fitness,  creativity,  peace and many other words that speak to you and your dreams.

Vision Board Questions to get your creativity process going.
If I could invent the future, what would I create for myself?
What mission in life absolutely inspires me?
What is my burning passion?
What work do I find absorbing, engaging and truly enjoy?
What would my ideal day look like?
If I had a magic wand and could change any one thing about my life, what would I change?
How do you want to feel?

After you answer the questions, it is time to begin your vision board.

The Vision Board How-to:

  1. Silence is golden.  Relax into what it is you truly want, let go of "should".  Think of the answers to the questions.  Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath.  Now imagine your happy life. See yourself living your ideal life.  Just sit in the quiet until you are ready to begin.
  2. Go through magazines, cutting out pictures, images, words and phrases that mean something to you, things that make you happy or just jump out at you.  Don't think, just cut and rip.
  3. Start gluing, any way you like.
  4. Own the white space, leave blanks for more to be added later if you want.  
After your vision board is "finished" place in in a space where you see it every day.  I like to move it around so I don't get used to seeing it.  Just absorb the energy of what you desire.  Don't worry about how, what, when or why...just believe.  

I made this vision board in March 2014.  I am attending a wellness retreat and leaving on a jet plane on 5/29/14.  I am going on a girls getaway in November to a Sea Glass Festival.  I am making progress on my Right Size project and feel contentment in my life.  My vision board is a testament to my belief that your thoughts become your life. If nothing else, cutting and pasting is good for the creative life you need. There is no wrong way to create a vision board.  Have fun.  

   Your truth and creativity are within.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Death and Dying

Death is inevitable, the only thing that is guaranteed in this life.

Last week I attended a program, sponsored by Hospice.
It is Consider the Conversation.  
The program was about death and dying.
The taboo against death and dying remains powerful.
It's as though if we talk about it then it will happen.    
We watched a documentary and then a panel of speakers were available for questions.  
The program was very thought provoking.  

By this point you are probably thinking that this isn't really a happiness topic.  But in defense, one of my retirement projects is to make a financial binder and a death binder.  What?  Yes, a death binder.  Death is a stressful time for those left behind.  My job, as a wife and mother, is to make life easier to handle.  That means most details will have been taken care of with clear directions for my wishes.  It makes me happy to know I am making a difference at a sad time in the life of my family.  

There are many parts to death-before, during and after.

"Before" is when you prepare.  
You could be doing this right now.
Living your best possible life.

"During" is when you are dying.
Hope is not a plan.
Decisions have been made about your care.  
Drugs, nutrition, hydration and peace are the buzz words.
Your family knows what they can do to help you "die" well.
Their question now is "How can I care for you?"

"After" is when life is over.
Death is the big "don't know".  
We have given up the certainty of life.

The Conversation Project is an excellent resource to guide you through discussions of fears, values and medical options.  P.O.L.S.T. is a form that will ensure your doctors follow your wishes.  It is in addition to the Advance Health Care Directive.  NIHSeniorHealth.gov has a module that answers questions about death and dying, from drugs to autopsies.  

Death is a challenge.  
It tells us not to waste time.   
It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other.  
-Leo Buscaglia 

After the presentation I was thinking about my life....death and dying.  I learned that often people have to scramble and deal with a lot of bad options.  I have lived this scenario and it isn't good.  
I asked myself some questions:
  • Am I living my best life NOW?
  • Have I reached out to have conversations with those I need to?
  • Do I live my values?
  • How do I want my end of life story to go?
  • What do I need to do to accomplish this? 
Think ahead.
Make decisions about what is important.
Tend to relationships.
Have peace.
Be surrounded by love.

It seems to me that death is a lot like life.  
I guess living our death is not a good way of saying it.  
But living our life as we would our death is maybe what I am trying to say.
Don't wait.

Fight fear with information. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Love Modesto

How do you "love" a city?

You get up very early and do a project to make life better for someone.  On Saturday I volunteered for Love Modesto.  The day started downtown at 8:00 am when we met for activities, music, fun and continued with a short rally at 9:00 am.  As I looked at the faces around me in the crowd, I saw pride, happiness and compassion.  We were working together to make our city better.  After the rally all the volunteers left to do what they signed up to do.  

The movement was started by a church that asked,  "Why is our city on lists of worst cities in America?"  There were 1200 people who volunteered the first year in 2007.  They showed up to love their city in practical ways, like feeding the homeless, sprucing up the parks, talking to homeless people and so many more projects.  Since that first Love Modesto, more than 145,000 volunteer hours have been donated.  

Every year there are more projects to choose from, and they accommodate different ages and abilities.  Every year I choose a new activity.  Throughout the years I have put together chemo care packages, made pillowcases for veterans and injured soldiers, written letters and designed cards for our hometown soldiers, served hotdogs at Family Justice Center, baked and delivered cookies to police and firefighters.  This year I signed up for Dale Commons which was honoring seniors and veterans with a breakfast and lunch.  I am thinking of painting over graffiti next year.

Other LOVE movements have been started also:

  • Love Our Neighborhoods
  • Love Our Schools
  • Love ALL Our Kids
  • Love Our Families
  • Catalyst Modesto
Forty more cities have joined the tradition and the website for Love Modesto says, "This is our hope and prayer...renewed pride in our cities, ongoing volunteerism and communities transformed."

As I reflect on the day I spent with my daughters, loving Modesto:

  • I am proud of what we are accomplishing by participating.  
  • We had fun, talked about family values, and served with compassion.  
  • I am proud of what our city has done, by working together.
  • I am thankful for all the volunteers who shared their time.
  • I have hope for our city.
We can all make a difference. 
Change the world. 
Find a way.  


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fools Day

I do not like April Fools Day!

April Fools Day or All Fools Day is celebrated on April 1 every year.  It is a day that is celebrated in many countries, as a day when people play practical jokes on each other.  

Are you wondering why don't I like April Fools Day?
I don't think it is nice to make someone believe what you tell them, then shout April Fools.  I don't feel it is funny to have someone get excited about an announcement, only to find out it is an April Fools joke.  

I do have a sense of humor.  I even appreciate the odd knock knock joke but practical jokes and pranks are not my thing.  It seems kind of mean to jerk someone around by figuring out how to mess with them and "fool" them.  I am thinking it isn't making many people happy.  

Fool can mean a person devoted to a particular activity.  I am definitely a fool for spreading happiness because I am very devoted to it.  Maybe we could come up with a way to slant April 1st to being a happiness fool day.   
I researched the history of this favorite day of pranksters and was surprised to see how many years it has been around.  There are many different ways to "enjoy" it and there are a lot of countries that actually celebrate it.  

I have pulled a prank or two in my life but as I try to be my authentic self and live a true-to-me life, I don't really want to indulge in this prankster practice.  I was going to start this blog by announcing there was no blog post today or that it was my last blog post.  As I continued writing it just wasn't where I wanted to go, it didn't feel right.  So no April Fools Day from me. 

You can April Fool all you want, 
and have fun.  
Me, well I'll just be happy 
being a happiness fool, 
spreading happiness 
to counteract the pranksters.