Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Starving for Wisdom

Drowning in information but starving for wisdom.
-Tony Robbins

What is the difference between information and wisdom?
Do we need information before we find wisdom?

Information contains details, facts, figures, data, advice, news, particulars, the scoop and the inside story.  
Information comes to us from many sources-books, TV, Facebook, Twitter, magazines, newspapers, mail, and conversation.  
It is an endless stream.  
It is loud.

Wisdom has common sense, intelligence, rationale, soundness, good judgment and usually involves learning and a sense of soundness.
  • The origin of the word wisdom is Old English (wise-dom)
    • wise=wit, knowledge, see
    • dom=decree, judgment   
What is wisdom and where does it come from?  
It is a body of knowledge that develops within us.
Wisdom is an inner sense of knowing. 

It is quiet.

Information is necessary to have wisdom.  Information can be communicated and received in countless ways.  Information does not have to be true, it can be uncertain, it is not proof.

Sometimes information leads to wisdom.  
But information OVERLOAD can attack our lives and take away our wisdom.

Where do you think your best information comes from?
You know, the information that leads to wisdom you learn along the road of life...
Think about this.

Filters need to be constructed on the information highway so you are not drowning in information.  Be wise about what information you let into your life.
If you are starving for wisdom look inside yourself. 
Find your logic.
Use your intelligence.
Cultivate your common sense.
Sit in silence.
See what you need to know.


  1. Excellent article, Becky! You, my friend, are very wise! You are also extremely inspirational!

    1. Thank you, Nina for your kind comment. You know the saying, birds of a feather flock together, oh wise one...
