Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Make A Difference Day

                         Saturday, October 26, 2013 was Make A Difference Day.  

For over 20 years, Make A Difference Day has been the largest national day of community service.  Millions of volunteers around the world unite to improve the lives of others.  Were you one of them?  

I saw firefighters collecting money in boots for Muscular Dystrophy.  Others were delivering food to people in need.  One person I heard from bought a homeless person a meal.  There were fathers and mothers coaching soccer or volunteering at the concession stand.  Someone was listening to a distraught individual, giving life saving advice.  A family adopted a pet from the pound. A $7 tip was a nice surprise for friendly servers.

Get the idea?

                            It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us.
                                                                             -Jackie Mucheson

You can make a difference.  
You don't have to wait until next year. 
 Regardless of age, location or resources you can accomplish a lot. 
Make a difference in many lives or one life.

Look around your community.  No matter where you live you can find people who need help. Find a project that makes your heart smile.   City of Modesto, Parks & Recreation says "we do better when we do things together."  LOVE Modesto has special days of community service once or twice a year.  The Kiwanis' largest event is the annual American Graffiti Festival in June.  Get ideas by reading the newspaper, talk to people around you, call a volunteer center, or brainstorm with your friends and family.  Local media and social media are powerful tools for getting the word out about your project. 

There are many ways to make a difference:

  • Thank a police officer 
  • Smile at a stranger
  • Help someone with a heavy load
  • Listen to a story someone needs to share
  • Play music to cheer others
  • Volunteer for a project
  • Mow your neighbor's lawn
Make a difference for one person or many.

Do it yourself or with others.  
Do it today or everyday.

Imagine if every single person did this....even just once a year!

The world would be a better place.
Make a difference.. 

Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.  
For, indeed, that's all who ever have.
-Margaret Mead  

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