Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Vision Boards

What is a vision board?

A vision board is an image of what the future could be like.  
It is a way to bring reality into your life. Imagination is needed to begin. 


Everything you can imagine is real.
-Pablo Picasso

A vision board is a reminder of things you want and combined with action, will help you reach your goals.  If you can see something coming into view it is as if it is already here now.

You can make a vision board for your overall life or you can do one for separate aspects of your life:
  • health
  • business
  • relationships
  • finance
  • goals
  • dreams

Think about your dreams.  Think about your life.  Now describe your dreams and life.  Think of three words you want your vision board to represent.  Some example are vibrance, courage, balance, health, fitness,  creativity,  peace and many other words that speak to you and your dreams.

Vision Board Questions to get your creativity process going.
If I could invent the future, what would I create for myself?
What mission in life absolutely inspires me?
What is my burning passion?
What work do I find absorbing, engaging and truly enjoy?
What would my ideal day look like?
If I had a magic wand and could change any one thing about my life, what would I change?
How do you want to feel?

After you answer the questions, it is time to begin your vision board.

The Vision Board How-to:

  1. Silence is golden.  Relax into what it is you truly want, let go of "should".  Think of the answers to the questions.  Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath.  Now imagine your happy life. See yourself living your ideal life.  Just sit in the quiet until you are ready to begin.
  2. Go through magazines, cutting out pictures, images, words and phrases that mean something to you, things that make you happy or just jump out at you.  Don't think, just cut and rip.
  3. Start gluing, any way you like.
  4. Own the white space, leave blanks for more to be added later if you want.  
After your vision board is "finished" place in in a space where you see it every day.  I like to move it around so I don't get used to seeing it.  Just absorb the energy of what you desire.  Don't worry about how, what, when or why...just believe.  

I made this vision board in March 2014.  I am attending a wellness retreat and leaving on a jet plane on 5/29/14.  I am going on a girls getaway in November to a Sea Glass Festival.  I am making progress on my Right Size project and feel contentment in my life.  My vision board is a testament to my belief that your thoughts become your life. If nothing else, cutting and pasting is good for the creative life you need. There is no wrong way to create a vision board.  Have fun.  

   Your truth and creativity are within.

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