Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fools Day

I do not like April Fools Day!

April Fools Day or All Fools Day is celebrated on April 1 every year.  It is a day that is celebrated in many countries, as a day when people play practical jokes on each other.  

Are you wondering why don't I like April Fools Day?
I don't think it is nice to make someone believe what you tell them, then shout April Fools.  I don't feel it is funny to have someone get excited about an announcement, only to find out it is an April Fools joke.  

I do have a sense of humor.  I even appreciate the odd knock knock joke but practical jokes and pranks are not my thing.  It seems kind of mean to jerk someone around by figuring out how to mess with them and "fool" them.  I am thinking it isn't making many people happy.  

Fool can mean a person devoted to a particular activity.  I am definitely a fool for spreading happiness because I am very devoted to it.  Maybe we could come up with a way to slant April 1st to being a happiness fool day.   
I researched the history of this favorite day of pranksters and was surprised to see how many years it has been around.  There are many different ways to "enjoy" it and there are a lot of countries that actually celebrate it.  

I have pulled a prank or two in my life but as I try to be my authentic self and live a true-to-me life, I don't really want to indulge in this prankster practice.  I was going to start this blog by announcing there was no blog post today or that it was my last blog post.  As I continued writing it just wasn't where I wanted to go, it didn't feel right.  So no April Fools Day from me. 

You can April Fool all you want, 
and have fun.  
Me, well I'll just be happy 
being a happiness fool, 
spreading happiness 
to counteract the pranksters.    

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a big fan of it myself! I suspect it was intended to be a day of fun, once upon a time. Now, it seems to me that it is primarily a day to cause someone else to feel foolish, gullible, or unintelligent.

    No thank you. :) That's not what I'm creating in this world.
