What do you think of when you see a sign that says
Under Construction ?
Building something new?
Steer Clear?
Go another way?
Revamp in process?
My mind has been blank the last few days. I cannot think of what to write about for this blog post. I have no happiness tricks up my sleeve. No new habits to try. Not even a funny story. Maybe it is spring fever, or the blahs or even a writer's block. Nothing. Everything seems too hard.
So I was going to skip this week and just figure it out next week, but here I am. I am being human and vulnerable. Maybe I have whispered all the happiness I have to share. Or not. It isn't like I am not having creative thoughts, it just isn't something I want to write about. I have a to-do list that is growing by leaps and bounds but not much is getting done. Everything seems too hard.
Yesterday my dog, Sadie, was attacked by another dog while Dennis was walking her. It was very upsetting and I feel sad, exhausted and empty. She has two bites on her neck and back with staples holding her together. She will be ok. It's not easy keeping a dog "quiet". She is doing well. She will heal. I am petting her a lot. Laying on the floor with her. Texting Lexy about how she is doing. Trying to drown out Dennis and Lexy arguing about what is the right level of care for her. Everything seems too hard.
I need a new suitcase. I have been looking but there are too many choices. Two wheel or four wheel. Carry on or check. Soft side or hard shell. Everything seems too hard.
Last week I skipped two days of exercise. I never do that. My body was sore. I was tired. Everything seems too hard.
I was trying to sign in on my iTunes account to renew my One to One training with Apple and somehow now I need a new password and nothing is working. I guess I need to call them. Everything seems too hard.
Kelly has been super studying for her final in Statistics. I cannot help. She has gone to homework sessions, tutoring and teacher led groups for many days. She cannot change it now. It is what it is. Everything seems too hard.
No more whining or complaining.
There doesn't have to be a reason for my mood.
It just is.
It will pass.
None of these problems are life threatening.
I need to make a list of what I am thankful for.
I am thankful that I have been writing my blog for over a year and there have been over 16,000 views. Someone is reading.....
I am thankful that I can work on the to-do list, if and when I want.
I am thankful Sadie will heal and it wasn't worse.
I am thankful I have a place to go that I need a new suitcase. More on that later!
I am thankful that I even have the choice to exercise.
I am thankful for all I have learned in the last year of One to One training.
I am thankful that Kelly has done her best.
I am thankful for so many things in my life.
I could go on and on.
Life is good.
Sometimes everything seems too hard and you just get over it.
Moving on......
Life Under Construction!