Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sandy Hook Shooting Impact

My name is Becky Wilbur aka Happiness Whisperer.  I am a 58 year old wife and mom.  When the Sandy Hook shooting happened last year on 12-14-12, I was working in my cubicle in a prison.  I was devastated as I imagined my own daughters’ kindergarten classes being harmed. 

How was what I was doing in this prison making a difference? 

For many years, I worked in Human Resources, recruiting and hiring staff, to guard and rehabilitate  juvenile offenders in a youth correctional center.  On that day I was so sad and I felt hopeless. I am a positive person and knew I needed to do something, so I planned a team building activity for Monday.  Now if you know anything about the State of California you know we don’t “do” activities, team building or not! My nose and those around me were usually to the grindstone.  But that day I had an epiphany and I sent an email with the subject: When You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees, inviting everyone in the building to attend.  The buzz started right away. 

All weekend I planned and gathered supplies.  My daughter Kelly made a poster that said, When You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees…..You Eat Them.  My daughter, Lexy helped with the buttercream frosting, making it green, a “tree” color.   

On Monday I set up the conference room with my special supplies of sprinkles, candy, marshmallows and other yummy ingredients.  As people arrived and started the activity I could see smiles peeking out, hearing laughter here and there.  They frosted upside down ice cream cones that looked like trees.  Sprinkles, candy, and a little magic were everywhere.  Even the Superintendent participated and commended me for changing the “feel” in the building.  We took pictures, some ate their trees, some saved them, some made two.  It was so fun we did it again the next day for those who couldn’t do it the day before.  I gave the left over materials to a family with a mom battling breast cancer, to do the same thing-
change the energy, connect and make memories.

I knew this is what I needed to do, make a difference.  

At the same time, I was enrolled in a 4 week class, The Happiness Journey (www.hapacus.com).  I had been studying the science of happiness and thinking about my life.  It was a joke around the institution that when I retired I would go work at the library and be stress free, with a lot less responsibility. Coincidentally, the library called me for an interview and  offered me two different jobs. I accepted the Library Page position, shelving books. 

On 1-14-13, one month from that awful day I began my new career at the library. 

An even bigger change is that I have also become a Happiness Teacher, teaching the very class that changed the course of my life.  Every time I teach a class I learn more about the science of happiness and what it takes to be happy. 

I am known as the Happiness Whisperer. 

I am learning to navigate on Facebook and Twitter.  I write this blog once a week, and I am building a website.  My newest way of spreading happiness is a Meetup group, Happiness Whisperers of Modesto.
My mission
 for Happiness Whisperer is 
spreading happiness, making a difference, 
changing the world, one person at a time.

The children that died that day will always hold a special place in my heart.  They have had such an impact on my life.  As I continue to make a difference, it will be in their honor and to always remember.  On December 14, 2013 I will be decorating ice cream cones, spreading sprinkles and happiness.  

How Can I Help Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT?

Send love and light to the families of the victims. 

Say a prayer. 

Donate money.

Raise awareness about violence and mental illness.

Do something to make a difference.


JESSELEWISCHOOSELOVE.ORG aims to foster forgiveness and compassion

MY SANDY HOOK FAMILY FUND at everribbon.com supports the victims’ families

THE SANDY HOOK SUPPORT FUND at newtown.uwwesternct.org helps first responders, teachers and others in Newtown through the United Way


The Tapping Solution for Newtown: Stress and Trauma Relief Project.” Our intent behind “The Tapping Solution for Newtown: Stress and Trauma Relief Project” is:
A. When appropriate, work with those affected, directly or indirectly, in Newtown and the surrounding areas.
B. Establish a “train the trainer” model, where both professionals and lay people can learn how to use tapping for themselves and for others.
C. Create new approaches and protocols that can be used here and then modeled in other similar circumstances.
Find us on Facebook
The Tapping Solution for Newtown: Stress and Trauma Relief Project

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