A connection is a link, a bond, an association, an attachment, a tie or relationship.
Most of us like to have a connection with our friends and family.
It seems like this time of year we extend that connection to others.
We smile at the bell ringer who is cold, but warmed by making a difference.
We let someone ahead of us in line when they only have one item, and feel generous.
We ask the checker how the day is going, and know we are spreading cheer.
People volunteer what they are having to eat for their special meal, and we listen.
Someone shares a special childhood tradition and another adopts it.
Many treats are shared and recipes exchanged.
But not everyone has these connections and I see them in my daily path. One person was talking to me at the library and she said her daughters live in another state and she will be alone. We take our connections for granted. We sometimes even grumble that we "have" to go somewhere to celebrate. There are some who have nowhere to go for a celebration or connection.
One of my core values is about making a difference and that usually means making a connection in some way. It means walking through life with eyes open and being ready to change the world. It can be as simple as listening to the lady in the library, smiling at the homeless person I see every work day, or working on my class curriculum to teach the science of happiness.
Many say this time of year is for the children, I disagree and say it is for all of us. It is a reminder to stop for a moment in our daily lives, be thankful and remember connection is and always will be what life is about.
Other people matter.
Make a connection or two or more.
Smile at a grumpy person.
Start a conversation with an elderly soul.
Acknowledge the sadness in someone who needs it.
Give a treat to a helper.
Leave a really big tip.
Tell a story.
Surprise someone with a phone call.
Share hot chocolate with an outside worker who is in the cold.
Thank a police officer.
Start a tradition.
Sing a song out loud.
Send love and light to the world.
I wish everyone could have a connection during this special time of year.
But sadly, that is not how it is.
So as you go about your holiday duties, take a moment and be thankful for that connection you have and the obligations that go along with it.
We are blessed.
and we should keep this going all year long!! It not only makes the other person feel good it makes you feel even better.