Contentment is not the fulfillment
of what you want,
but the realization of
how much you already have.
What does contentment mean to you? I believe that in our happiness journey, being content has to do with satisfaction that reaches a level which is different for everyone. My level of achievement and good fortune is not the same as your idea of a good life. Not wishing for more is a fluid place for me.
How much is enough?
Enough happiness, health, money, love or anything.
When do we not wish for more?
I believe the answer to that is in the now.
Now is enough.
There is a line from the book, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green that says, "it occurred to me that the voracious ambition of humans is never sated by dreams coming true, because there is always the thought that everything might be done better and again." Wow, that is deep and worth thinking about. When one dream comes true we sometimes critique it and say it could have been better or if I had it to do over...and on and on. So where is the contentment or the acknowledgment of how much you already have or that has been done? We quickly move on to the next, best thing and leave behind the feeling of enough. Augustus, one of that characters in the book, makes a remark about Hazel and how he sees her impact on the world because "real heroes are the people NOTICING things, paying attention." We do not have to be dying to have this attitude or impact. We can notice our life and pay attention to the now. What follows is contentment. Your kind of contentment.
Life is how you look at it...ugliness or beauty.
Life is how we hear it...complaining or uplifting.
Life is how we imagine it...nightmare or dream.
Life is how we feel it...fear or love.
Life is how we anticipate it...sad or happy.
Life is how we live it...wishing for more or contentment.
Choose to live life with contentment.
Life becomes how we live it.