Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hacking into Happiness

Being happy 
is not an unauthorized mystery 
that we have to figure out, discover or buy.  

Happiness is a choice.

Treat these ideas as a way of gaining more access to your happy world.

1.  Gratitude is counting your blessings.  Science says if it is written down and shared with others it will make a bigger impact on your level of happiness.  (And we wouldn't doubt science, would we?)

2.  Close ties with spouse, partner, family and friends are one of the most important ways to hack into happiness.  You are the average of your five closest friends. Choose wisely.  

3.  Movement (aka exercise) will get you feeling better almost immediately.  Do it now and do it often.  (Really...stand up, do a few jumping jacks or wiggle......are you smiling?)

4.  Meditate to gain clarity, increase awareness and it will make you happier.  You have no idea how good you're going to feel unless you do it.  I call it stillness and there is no right or wrong way to do it.  

5.  Ask yourself-How can I be happier?  Be aware, think practical strategies.  It will lead to a better life.  You are the only one who can come up with the "right" answers.

6.  Make a choice to be better.  Commit to a conscious decision to grow.  Make a difference, help someone, mentor a child, invent something.  Go outside your comfort zone and take responsibility to make your life what you dream about.

Happiness hacks can help figure out what you need to do.
Try one, some or even all. 
It starts with the you, your attitude and the choice.
you. happier. 

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