When the new school year starts, I get the urge to sort my belongings into neat stacks and clear piles of chaos into bags for give away. Eliminating the unnecessary so the necessary may shine. Clearing clutter is leaving behind only what is useful and needed, which of course is an objective exercise in decision making skills. It is about way more than objects that are sharing our space around us. It makes us look at needs vs. wants. It questions our past record of obtaining new items. Why did I absolutely "need" to have that thing-a-ma-jig or even like it? What was I thinking?
Mess. Jumble. Litter. Heap. Tangle. Hodge-podge. Disorder. Chaos. Disarray. Untidiness. Rubbish. Junk. And don't forget the memories that go along with that clutter too. Good and bad memories with some guilt mixed in.Hurt and upset could be peeking out from under the pile.
Now is the time to clear out the clutter. Change the record. The results are instantaneous. You get rid of mental dust and dirt. You throw away regret, shame and anger.
What is the result of making those hard decisions about what stays and what goes?
- You are processing thoughts about life.
- Filing away those lessons for another day.
- Learning to forgive yourself for the "mistakes".
- And helping others who have less but need more.
If you only have what you love in your home there is a lot less. There is more room for treasures like breathing space, relaxation and love.
Clutter is like a loud noise inside my head. Buzzing interference between thoughts... pushing dreams aside to quiet places I cannot seem to find in the mess.
When the clutter is gone, the treasures remain. We like the empty spaces, the clean look. But it creeps back slowly. And then we do it all again. Because clutter is never ending.
Stop holding onto what was, so you can enjoy what is beginning now.
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