According to the Dalai Lama, building a "happier century" would include incorporating many ways of changing the world:
- Create better conditions
- Live in harmony
- Spirit of coexistence
- Practice compassion
- Think of others
All of these ideas are co-mingled and intertwined.
They piggyback on each other.
Some mean the same.
Which came first-the chicken or the egg?
If we were to create better conditions, we would probably be able to live in harmony with a spirit of coexistence. We practice compassion when we think of others.
How can we create a happier century?
Where do we start?
What can we do to put such a change in motion?
Is it even possible?
What is the first step?
Second step?
How can we begin?
Start with yourself by thinking of others.
Thinking about how you can serve is one way to make a difference.
It doesn't have to be a huge, world-wide, mega difference, but a small change which will cause ripples of "happier."
A small change can lead to a big change.
How can you serve by making small changes for a
"happier century?"
Excellent post Becky! It just all seems so simple, really, doesn't it? As that commercial with the little kids says, "It's just not that complicated!" Now if we would all just "Do It"! I hadn't paid much attention to the Dalai Lama until fairly recently and I realize I love to hear what he has to say!