Tuesday, March 19, 2013

International Day of Happiness

Greetings Happiness Whisperers!

The United Nations has adopted a resolution to proclaim March 20, 2013, and every year thereafter,  the International Day of Happiness.  It is recognized that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal.

Savor the day!  

Make a list of what makes you happy, then do at least one thing from the list.  

Pledge:  I will try to create more happiness in the world around me.

"Happiness is not ready made.  It comes from your own actions." -Dalai Lama

Some practical ideas to get some happiness, or pass on happiness to others or just do it all and be really, really happy:

  • Three good things-Each day write down three good things that happened, include why.
  • Acts of kindness-Doing things to help others is good for both you and the recipient.
  • Mindfulness-Stay in the moment, you can do this anywhere.
  • Meditation-Get some head space.
  • Letter of thanks-Write a letter to someone and tell them how they helped you.
  • Make someone laugh-It will change the mood of all around you.
  • Pass on a book you have enjoyed-Educate, inform and entertain.
  • Pick up litter-Help the world.
  • Give someone a hug-Either in person, or a candy hug, maybe both.

To spread happiness on the International Day of Happiness, I am taking a bowl of treats, to the library, for my co-workers. It will include silly sunglasses, pixie sticks, gum, pencils, stickers, bubbles, suckers, and candy HUGS! There will be a sign educating them on what this day is about and how we can all pass it on, hugs, treats, smiles and oh yes, happiness.  I hope to see many smiles and I have been happy planning and anticipating the day. I will also post on my Facebook page, Happiness Whisperer.  I have a lot of other ideas so it will be a fun, happy day.

Get happy!

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