Tuesday, March 19, 2013

International Day of Happiness

Greetings Happiness Whisperers!

The United Nations has adopted a resolution to proclaim March 20, 2013, and every year thereafter,  the International Day of Happiness.  It is recognized that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal.

Savor the day!  

Make a list of what makes you happy, then do at least one thing from the list.  

Pledge:  I will try to create more happiness in the world around me.

"Happiness is not ready made.  It comes from your own actions." -Dalai Lama

Some practical ideas to get some happiness, or pass on happiness to others or just do it all and be really, really happy:

  • Three good things-Each day write down three good things that happened, include why.
  • Acts of kindness-Doing things to help others is good for both you and the recipient.
  • Mindfulness-Stay in the moment, you can do this anywhere.
  • Meditation-Get some head space.
  • Letter of thanks-Write a letter to someone and tell them how they helped you.
  • Make someone laugh-It will change the mood of all around you.
  • Pass on a book you have enjoyed-Educate, inform and entertain.
  • Pick up litter-Help the world.
  • Give someone a hug-Either in person, or a candy hug, maybe both.

To spread happiness on the International Day of Happiness, I am taking a bowl of treats, to the library, for my co-workers. It will include silly sunglasses, pixie sticks, gum, pencils, stickers, bubbles, suckers, and candy HUGS! There will be a sign educating them on what this day is about and how we can all pass it on, hugs, treats, smiles and oh yes, happiness.  I hope to see many smiles and I have been happy planning and anticipating the day. I will also post on my Facebook page, Happiness Whisperer.  I have a lot of other ideas so it will be a fun, happy day.

Get happy!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Greetings Happiness Whisperers

Greetings to fellow Happiness Whisperers-

If you are reading this blog it must be real.  I did not know how to make a blog but just followed the steps from the library book I borrowed and the blogger website.
It was simple but not easy!
I am not sure if anyone will read this but it is kind of fun.  I have a Facebook page called Happiness Whisperer and I post a Whisper of the day and other "happy" content.

If you are interested in happiness you are in the right place.  I have been studying the science of happiness and I am stoked, blown away, surprised, excited and amazed at the difference we can make by making changes to reduce negative influences and create ripples of happiness.

Do you want to live longer? Then come along for the ride, learn about the science of happiness.  Mental health experts are studying trends about happiness and positive psychology is the new wave of of interest.  Tracking happiness has gone beyond national to international.  The United Nations just declared March 20, 2013 the International Day of Happiness.  Let's brainstorm ways to celebrate that day.  Leave a comment so we can make a list.

Everyone wants to be happier. For more information on the science of happiness and classes, check out the website for Hapacus at www.hapacus.com.

Stay tuned to learn how to be happier.