Friday, June 17, 2016

Orlando Overwhelm...Only Love

At times we can feel overwhelmed by what is happening in our world.  This past week, just in one state, Florida, there have been three over the top, sad, destructive, unbelievable, terrible, can't believe it occurrences. I am not going into the gory details because we know them-from the news, from our friends, from social media.
Too much hurt.  
Too much pain.  
Too much death.  
Just too much.


I also feel this chaos touching my own life.  People arguing, yelling voices, unkind words, judgment, despair and disappointment.  People getting pushy, wanting control.  Blaming.  Shaming.  Being critical.  Emotions swirling, sweeping ugliness and pain onto all those around.  


Focusing on this overwhelm brings darkness to our lives.
It clouds out joy and contentment.
I believe that everything we do contributes to the world's energy.
WE are all a work in progress.
Not perfection.

We may not be carrying the gun but are we helping?  
Are we contributing to a peaceful way of life? 
Do we have a role in helping restore love to the planet?


Pay attention to the little things.
Choose compassion.
Don't pass judgment on that certain situation.
Send light and love.
Shift your expectations.
Look for peace.
Hug someone.
Meet your neighbor.
Hold eye contact with strangers.

What is your part in all of this?
Listen to your heart for the answer.
How can we make a difference?
You know how.

Take an oath of devotion.
Only LOVE.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What Does Beauty Mean To You?

My daughter Kelly is in a Body Image & Society class for her last semester of college.  Their latest assignment was to complete a vision board about beauty.  I was inspired  when I saw her board and it made me think about what beauty means to me.  

Beauty can be words. Beauty can be hugs. Beauty can be self love. Beauty can be yoga, not done perfectly. Beauty can be hope. Beauty can be health. Beauty can be nourishing your soul. Beauty is devotion to being the real you. Beauty is another way of looking at our lives and making it our own creation.  

What does beauty mean to you?

I love the song by Colbie Calliat called Try.
Listen to the lyrics and you will be uplifted.

"Take your make-up off
Let your hair down
Take a breath
Look in the mirror at yourself
Don't you like YOU?
Cause I like you."  

Are you seeing beauty when you look in the mirror? 
 If not, make a change.
Hug someone.  
Do a little dance.  
Take a deep breath.  
You are beauty.