Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Last week was the International Day of Happiness and it was wonderful.  This week is kind of a let down from all the excitement and busy days.  I am feeling slower and less inspired so I tried to come up with a word to describe how I was feeling about life and the ebb and flow.

I love to play with words, especially words that have double meaning.

This week my word is retreat.

I need to pull back from being busy.
I have too many things on my to-do list.
I want to change my plans.
Withdraw from life.

I need some solitude.
I want to escape, go into seclusion.
I am looking for a refuge.

Every day I show up and I try to be authentic.  Today I feel like I need to fake it to make it.  As a Happiness Whisperer I probably shouldn't feel like this.  Spreading happiness is not always easy.

I don't want to write this blog.
I don't want to gather quotes for my Facebook quotes.
I don't want to plan the next Happiness Whisperer Meetup.
I don't want to solve any problems.
I don't want to mediate family squabbles.
I don't want to listen to negative conversations.
I don't want to absorb anyone else's energy.
My inner mean girl is giving me a lot of negative expectations of what I could and should be accomplishing.  Sometimes it is not always possible to make a difference or change the world as my mission states.

My word for the year: 
Plenty of 

What would enough look like?

I am writing myself a prescription for a retreat.

I will keep the commitments that I have.
No new ones.
Banish the negative inner mean girl voice.
Read positive affirmations.
Loving movement for my body.
Healthy food, including chocolate.
Extra sleep.
Read a fluffy book.
Get rid of "shoulds".
Make a list of what I can do for pleasure.
Make time for being outside.
Patio pondering.
Do nothing.

I'm learning.
I've come a long way.
I release my expectations.
Join me.  
Schedule a retreat.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

International Day of Happiness #2

Happiness has its own day!

March 20, 2014 is the second annual International Day of Happiness.  The General Assembly of the United Nations has declared that happiness is a fundamental human goal, and calls upon countries to approach public policies in ways that improve the well being of all peoples.  

Happiness is something we all need and deserve.
It is not about drawing smiley faces on your papers.
It's about thinking how to make happiness an essential habit in your life.  

Many people are celebrating this special day.  Day of Happiness website has this to say:

"Our happiness has been hijacked! Marketers and advertisers tell us that happiness comes from buying the right products. Celebrities and the media pretend it comes with beauty and fame. Meanwhile, politicians claim that nothing matters more than growing the economy. We could point to many studies showing how wrong this is - lasting happiness does not come from what we consume, how we look or how much we earn. Deep down we all know the things that make us happy. If only we could remind ourselves to appreciate those moments more often - and inspire others to do the same."

Grammy winner, Pharrell Williams wants to spread happiness and is using his song, Happy to make it happen.  He believes that when we do things to bring happiness to others, everyone benefits.  It helps the people we connect with, boosts our own well-being and also inspires others to be more caring and positive too.  Check out his fun website called 24 hours of happy at I'm happy.....

Big changes start with small steps. 

Try some of these ideas to celebrate and think of your own happy truths.

  • Share what really matters at #happinessday
  • Make a list of what makes you happy and share it 
  • Make someone laugh
  • Hug someone
  • Acts of kindness
  • Give someone a compliment
  • Appreciate simple pleasures
  • Express gratitude
  • Don't complain for the whole day or more
  • Donate to your favorite charity
  • Remember happiness is an inside job
  • Make happiness a habit

Do happiness!
Put happiness at the top of your to-do list.  
Let's make it a daily priority.

I'm happy.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Happiness Whisperer Week 52!

Confetti.....balloons.....trumpet sounds and a parade!
This is week fifty two for the Happiness Whisperer blog.
There have been 3421 page views.
I am amazed that many countries besides the United States have viewed this blog including Germany, Indonesia, Sweden, United Kingdom, Russia, Turkey, South Korea, Poland, France and Malaysia.
The most popular post is To Be Better.
Coming in second is Meditation.

When I started writing this blog I had just retired from a high stress, negative career in a prison.
My first post was written after I set up this blog by following the steps from a library book.  I mentioned that the United Nations had declared March 20, 2013 the first annual International Day of Happiness.  We are days away from celebrating the second one and I am happily planning.

I made a pledge to "create more happiness in the world around me."  I have written about world events such as the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Oklahoma Tornado, and the Dalai Lama's birthday.  Gumption was a fun topic and still talked about.  Family Greed came with a warning label that it was not a "happy" post.

I have shared the science of happiness, tidbits from my own life, advice and have tried to be true to my mission:

Spread happiness, make a difference, change the world, 
one person at a time.

I have not written for money, posted ads, sold my soul, or competed for awards-this is done for love.
Love and hope that any person I reach with these blog posts can learn something, make a positive impact and the ripple of happiness will continue.  I believe:

What we give, we receive.

This saying is a simple way to define my idea of karma.  
Karma originated from Sanskrit Karman which translates to action, effect, fate. 

As I look back at this year of the Happiness Whisperer blog I am proud of what I have accomplished. Every week I write to touch lives, educate, inform and express my hope for happiness for the world.  Every week I receive satisfaction and happiness to be the Happiness Whisperer.  
As I closed that first blog fifty two weeks ago-

Stay tuned to learn how to be happier.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Meditation Boot Camp

One of the contributors to my happiness is to always have an atmosphere of growth.  
I love learning.  
Meditation is known to be one of the most helpful ways to have a peaceful, calm life.  
I want to add this to my practice of living my best life. 
I have tried and failed at this before so now it is time for the hard core approach.   
Since I have a hard time doing everything, all the time, I propose the Boot Camp Life.  
Boot Camp is a short, intensive, and rigorous course of training.  
So this month's boot camp will be for meditation.  

When getting ready for a boot camp you need certain things before you start.  You need supplies, products and attitude adjustments.  I've got my star stickers just waiting to be used.  Of course, I am shooting for perfection, that all or nothing high of accomplishment.  I've got to have mental discipline and self control.   

Oh yeah, and set aside the time to actually do it.  

My plan of attack ( this is war on slacking!) is to do my meditation first thing in the morning on the days I am home.  Get it out of the way, I mean start my day off with peace and calm (and a sticker on the calendar!).  On work days I will come home, eat lunch and do my meditation before my boot camp work out on Tuesday and Thursday.  It's a boot camp life for me. 

Now to figure out the exact details....
How long do I have to meditate for it to count? What is the minimum time? If I meditate for 1 minute do I get a star?  Does a visualization exercise count as meditation?  Can I meditate while exercising in my other 'real' boot camp? If I meditate twice in one day do I receive two stars which could cancel out a non meditating day?  Does writing down 5 things I am thankful for count as an abundance meditation? Is there such a thing as laughter meditation?....because there is laughter yoga.


Meditation is not another "to do."
It is an invitation to stop "doing."
But I really want to have meditation in my life.
And how we spend our time is a choice.
Instead of "I don't have time", I will just do it or say "it's not a priority."
I say it is a priority.
I choose to do it.
Now get up, march over there and get going on that meditation.
Right now!

I have several openings in this Meditation Boot Camp if you want to join me.  
Go buy your stickers!
Take a deep breath.
