He who is not contented with what he has,
would not be contented with what he would like to have.
Do I need to define gratitude? I think we all know what it is. There are many names for it. Being grateful, thankful and having an attitude of gratitude is beneficial to living a happy life. Research shows it can transform your life. Even when you are struggling it will help you focus on all of the positive things in life.
Gratitude is not an emotion, it is a discipline of the heart.
Counting your blessings is expressing appreciation for what one has-as opposed to what one wants or needs. It is the opposite of complaining and leads to contentment. It lightens your heart, life and expands the world.
Studies show that gratitude not only can be deliberately cultivated but can increase levels of well being and happiness for those who practice this habit. In addition, grateful thinking and expressing it to others, is associated with increased levels of energy, optimism and empathy. We could all use a little more of those traits to live our best lives.
When you decide you want to create more happiness in your life you will need to set aside daily time to count your blessings. This is only one way to build this happiness habit. Make a conscious effort to take in and appreciate the good, those positive moments that occur each day.
Trade your expectations for appreciation and the world changes instantly.
-Tony Robbins
Be thankful you don't already have everything you want or what would you have to look forward to?
Be thankful you don't know something, it gives you the opportunity to learn.
It is hard to be thankful during the difficult times, but that is when you grow, be thankful.
When you face limitations, they are opportunities to improve the world, be thankful.
As challenges come you build strength and character, be thankful.
Be thankful for mistakes because isn't that when we learn the most valuable and memorable lessons?
Being thankful shifts the focus of attention from ourselves to others and changes the world.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings.
Some suggestions for living a life of gratitude:
- Say thank you when someone does something nice for you.
- Morning or evening gratitude session-close your eyes and silently give thanks.
- Learn a gratitude prayer.
- Write in a gratitude journal, note cards or even post its.
- Apps for smart phones are easy to find.
- Computer programs to make a ongoing record.
- Art journals and vision boards are visual reminders.
We think we have to do something to be grateful or something has to be done in order for us to be grateful,
when gratitude is a state of being.
-Iyanla Vanzant
Gratitude requires attention
consistent practice.
Make gratitude a habit today, tomorrow and every day.
Change your life.
Transform the world.
Thank you!