For over 20 years, Make A Difference Day has been the largest national day of community service. Millions of volunteers around the world unite to improve the lives of others. Were you one of them?
I saw firefighters collecting money in boots for Muscular Dystrophy. Others were delivering food to people in need. One person I heard from bought a homeless person a meal. There were fathers and mothers coaching soccer or volunteering at the concession stand. Someone was listening to a distraught individual, giving life saving advice. A family adopted a pet from the pound. A $7 tip was a nice surprise for friendly servers.
Get the idea?
It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us.
-Jackie Mucheson
You can make a difference.
You don't have to wait until next year.
Regardless of age, location or resources you can accomplish a lot.
Make a difference in many lives or one life.
There are many ways to make a difference:
- Thank a police officer
- Smile at a stranger
- Help someone with a heavy load
- Listen to a story someone needs to share
- Play music to cheer others
- Volunteer for a project
- Mow your neighbor's lawn
Make a difference for one person or many.
Do it yourself or with others.
Do it today or everyday.
Imagine if every single person did this....even just once a year!
The world would be a better place.
Make a difference..
Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.
For, indeed, that's all who ever have.
-Margaret Mead
Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.
For, indeed, that's all who ever have.
-Margaret Mead