Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Affirmations - Too Good To Be True?

An affirmation is a declaration that something is true; a positive statement.
Words are very powerful, whether spoken aloud or repeated in thought.
You can change your conscious thinking, visualize success, improve self esteem, manifest abundance and make your life better.

Are affirmations too good to be true?

Research has shown that if you want to improve, change a habit, attitude, motivation or situation, you can visualize yourself as if you have already changed.
Affirmations are a powerful tool.
The benefits of affirmations are improved health, inspiration for lifting spirits and they can give you a sense of balance.

Your present reality is a direct result of your thinking, 
so if you change your thinking, 
you change your reality.  
Affirmations change your thinking.  

How do I write an affirmation?

-Set aside quiet time (I know, huh?)
-Empty your mind
-Focus on area you want to improve or change
-Visualize the new you
-Include specific details
-Positive words
-Use present tense
-Short and specific
-Easy to remember

Examples of words to include:
have, do, now, feel, look, more, heal, see, I am, I will, I choose


Affirmations can be found on the Internet, in books or phone and computer apps,
which might just be easier than composing your own.  You choose which way would work best for you.
Make sure the words speaks to you and address what you are trying to improve or change.

By giving your mind some positive self-talk, 
you can create energy to turn your dreams into reality. 

Bring out the best in you, write or find an affirmation and retrain your conscious mind to affirm the positive.

Some of my favorite affirmations:

I Can Do It
Life is Good
Today, I choose to be happy.
I love and appreciate myself unconditionally.
I am whole and complete just the way I am.
I will accept the things I cannot change.
Keep Calm and Carry On.
Make it Work.
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff.

and my wish for you....

Hakuna Matata!
which translates, 
no worries for the rest of your days.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Meditation is a reset button for your mind.

 Over scheduled, over committed, overstimulated, over the top=stress!!!

Taking a daily break to meditate is a way to physically and mentally recharge. 

Mediation is a practice that will help your well-being.  

It will help you think more clearly, so you can make better choices.

It is good for the mind, body and soul.

Good for the body:

Lower cholesterol
Curb insomnia
Boost immune system
Reduce depression
Alleviate stress
Enhance memory
Lower high blood pressure
Ease pain
Speed healing
Reduce symptoms of PMS and menopause.

These are just some of the benefits for the body.  Meditation also relieves anxiety, regulates hormones, including reducing cortisol, the stress hormone.

Good for the mind:

Because the mind and body are connected, when the mind settles, so does the body.  Those who meditate report a greater sense of inner peace, that feeling of well being, calm and happiness.  Higher levels of self esteem, ability to focus and able to make better decisions are also reported by people with a regular practice of mediation.  Fear and anxiety will lessen.  You will feel more calm and centered, which will have a good affect on your relationships at home and in the world.

Good for the soul:

Spiritual benefits include a peaceful mind and increased intuition.  In meditation, you learn about your true self, with no labels.  You access more energy and creativity.

Even a few minutes of meditation every day can help. 

Don't know where to start? 
There are classes, CD's, books, apps to download and many other ways to learn how to meditate.  Find a meditation that you like, keep practicing and you will feel happier. 


Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

Another sad day in our history.  Terror, fear, horror, so many words to describe this day... but we must keep believing.

Belief is trust, faith or confidence in something.  

I believe media saturation increases fear.  Maybe turn off your TV and meditate.

Belief is the magic in our lives to keep us going through adversity and tough times.
Belief supports our dreams even when there is no evidence.
There are many things to believe in today, the day after violence has stolen our peace.
Everyone has to find something to believe in, that they can call their own mantra.

I believe in the smile of a child, the inner knowing of wisdom, the way we all come together in times of sorrow to help one another.  I believe that every good and valuable thing you do in life, makes your world a better place to be.  I believe in the science of happiness and that you can be happy and sad at the same time.

I believe we are all here for a purpose and we have to explore to find the meaning of something greater, a bigger plan.  

I believe in the energy of love, all kinds, even the unconditional love shown by the wagging tail of a dog that greets you at the end of the day.

I believe we are all connected and it is a small world with many sorrows and surprises to remind us to make a difference.........whenever, where ever we can.  

I posted a quote on Facebook tonight, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers.  You will always find people who are helping." To this day, especially in times of "disaster", I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers-so many caring people in the world." -Mr. Rogers

Thank you to those helpers, doing their jobs with caring, bravery and heart.

When evil stalks us, we must believe we can turn the tide......

Darkness cannot drive out darkness:  only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate:  only love can do that.  -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Keep the light on today to prove we will come out of this darkness......

Sending thoughts, energy and love to Boston.

Live for what matters!  

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Change Your Brain

Change your mind, then the brain changes, and you will make permanent, lasting changes.

Take a few hours or minutes (I know you're busy!) and dream of a new reality for your life.  

Think it, imagine it, see it, feel it.  Mentally rehearse what this transformation would feel like to you.  

How do you want to feel?  Peaceful, calm, powerful, excited, creative, loved, competent?  Keep brainstorming and come up with how YOU want to feel, right now and every day.

Steps to Change Your Brain
Brain change self work
Do one every day this week.

1.  Imagine, brainstorm, dream.....call it what you like.  
Change what?  Do that?  Become who?

2.  Write it down.  Clear and simple. 
I will....I want to...I will feel.....

3.  List the reasons why you want to change, at least three.  
Be my true self....for my health... excitement in my life...make a difference in the world.

4.  Create a plan. How do I accomplish this? 
Babysteps, mini goals, daily goals.

5.  Do it!  Be accountable to yourself.
Stars on the calendar, graph paper, apps on smartphone.

6.  Stay conscious with your new energy.
Is it uncomfortable, unfamiliar, uncertain?  Then go back to #3...WHY?  
How do I want to feel?

7.  Get excited!  Keep reminding your brain of the change. 
Use pictures, notes, words, vision boards, where you see them daily.  
Play inspirational music or motivational talks while your drive or exercise.

What you are doing is important.

It is possible to change your brain.

Transform your life.